Luke Smitherd
Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller
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- Member Since
Oct 2016
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United Kingdom
- Profession
Luke Smitherd is the bestselling author of the hit novel THE STONE MAN, as well IN THE DARKNESS, THAT'S WHERE I'LL KNOW YOU and A HEAD FULL OF KNIVES.
A former singer and guitarist, Luke now writes full time for a living. He a: can't quite believe it, and b: has to remember that he shouldn't drink before lunchtime. Not on a weekday anyway.
He currently travels and writes, and ignores cheap jibes about not having a 'proper job'.
Luke says: If you like my stuff, please leave a nice star rating for any books of mine that you liked. You'll be doing me a bigger favor than I can say, and it'll mean the work keeps coming. Thanks for reading.